Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Not to Do on The Last Day of School

So here is what you should NOT do on the last day of school. First of all, you may have some feelings to express to certain teachers that you may not have had the bst relationship with over the course of the year. You may be wanting to talk to them about how they are the worst teacher ever, or that you hated them, etc. Well, that is whatI did, I went up to a certain female teacher at my school who was one of the least liked teachers that I have ever had the pleasure...of having. So this teacher usually covered my study hall, which over night became a living hell. Study hall is a time where you should be able to relax and hang out with your friends. In almost every other study hall in the school, this is what occured. But not in my study hall. My teacher would send us to the office if we talked, and sometimes she wouldn't even let us go to the bathroom for no apparent reason. She was hated by everyone in that class, and she will probably be hated in the following years to come, unless the school comes to their senses and fires her. So, with all my built up anger, I had a little chat with her on the last day of school. I'm not going to tell you what I said, but I think it got the message across. So today's question of the day is "Who was your worst teacher ever, what grade, and did you do anything to deal with that person?" Just respond in the comments.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Entry-June 24th, 2008

So I have been thinking about this blog for a while, wondering what to write, and if any one will actually read it, which probably won't happen. So I have decided to give advice and my outlook on life that I have gained from my past experiences. In this entry I won't be giving any of either, but introducing you to me and my life. I'm a teenager, but I'm not gonna say how old due to the fact that there are a lot of messed up people out there who might have a hobby that involves reading kids blogs. I live in Connecticut, which is okay, except that my town is really boring and nothing really goes on. Summer has just started, and in about a month I'll be going to Camp Chingacook(don't quote me on that spelling). Its's on Lake George, and it's pretty awesome. I'm not going to go into detail about it, but i might mention it in future posts. In August my family will take its routine vacation to Martha's Vineyard, where we will just watch a bunch of other rich people ride bikes and try to act not as rich as they really are.  That is basically my summer, and it probably wil be really boring. Oh and I'm going to Chicago in the beginning of July, to see a Cubs game. I just want to mention that I am a HUGE Cubs fan. If you read my blog, which I don't expect any to do, then you will here a lot about the Cubbies, who are currently in first place. Also, every post I will be having a question of the day that you can answer in the comments. The one for today is, "what is your favorite baseball team, and why do you root for them?" So that's basically it, I'll try to post some more tomorrow.